Mailing address:
Pine Hills Mutual Water Company
PO Box 725
Julian, CA 92036
Water Service Needs:
Brian Griffin, Water Superintendent
Mobile (619) 625-9740
Billing office:
Kathy Seger, Bookkeeper
Billing Office (760) 765-1243
Board of Directors and Employees:
President: Mike Madigan (619) 990-6727
Vice President: Alan Marvin (760) 765-0459
General Manager: Neil Symonds (805) 432-0391
Secretary: Cassandra Stroud (619) 318-5981
Treasurer: Tom Bewley (858) 997-8369
Operating Superintendent: Brian Griffin (619) 625-9740
Alternate Operating Superintendent: Dan Thoner (760) 525-6883
Bookkeeper: Kathy Seger (760) 765-1243
Board Meetings are held the second Friday of every month at 10 AM. Call for the address.
About Pine Hills Mutual Water Company:
Pine Hills Mutual Water Company (PHMWC) was incorporated on July 22, 1921 and operates as a tax-exempt nonprofit corporation per IRS regulation 501 (c) (12). A "mutual water company" means any private corporation or association organized for the purposes of delivering water to its shareholders and members at cost. PHMWC’s Board of Directors and General Manager are unpaid volunteers. Our Bookkeeper, Operating Superintendent, and Alternate Operating Superintendent are paid employees of the corporation.
Water Treatment, Distribution and Quality:
Raw water for our system is drawn from 4 groundwater wells then pumped to the Treatment Plant. The current treatment plant was commissioned in 2013 and uses a combination of specially coated green sand and silica sand to filter and remove the naturally occurring iron oxide and manganese elements from the wells. Sodium Hypochlorite is added to the raw water as it enters the filter to activate the green sand and sanitize the finished water to State standards.
Once the water is filtered and treated, it then flows into a 18,000-gallon finished water tank called a clear well, located next to the treatment plant. The water is then pumped from the clear well, based on demand, through approximately 4200 feet of pipeline to the top of Pine Hills into two storage tanks with a combined capacity of 340,000 gallons. From these storage tanks all water is gravity fed throughout our distribution system pipelines to our customers water meters and our fire hydrant system. Revenue balances after all PHMWC financial commitments are paid are re-invested into the operations and maintenance of the water system.
PHMWC operates under the strict control of the State of California Department of Drinking Water. Water quality testing of all wells, treatment plant finished water, backwash effluent and distribution system test results must conform to the standards prescribed by the State of California and the Federal Government Clean Water Act. Each year PHMWC publishes the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) which details the water quality laboratory testing results which informs all customers of the trace amounts of chemical constituents in our drinking water. Again, this is mandated by the State of California.
Water Conservation:
We strongly recommend and support water conservation measures, and we use best management practices to reduce leakage within our distribution system and encourage our customers to report any leaks that they may observe on the water distribution system, pipelines, hydrants, etc. Because we are located in an area susceptible to freezing, it is strongly recommended that all exposed private water lines and backflow devices be insulated to prevent freezing. If you are going to be away from your home for more than 48 hours, please turn your water off at the meter. Many leaks occur on the customer side of the water meter resulting in large amounts of water being wasted and incurring large water bills for our customers. If you suspect a leak on your private piping from the meter to your home, we can be of assistance. Place a call to our office, and we will schedule a site leak investigation at no charge.
Water Backflow Preventer Requirement:
The State of California mandates, that all existing homes when sold, or newly built homes, shall be fitted with a water backflow preventer installed directly behind the water meter on the customers’ property. PHMWC is mandated by the State to maintain the list of all backflow preventers in our system and notify the homeowner, along with the required form, when annual re-certification is due.
The backflow preventer acts as a one-way valve not allowing water to flow from the customers’ water system back into the public water system. Once installed and certified by a licensed backflow professional, the backflow preventer must be re-certified yearly by a certified backflow professional. After annual re-certification, the form is completed and returned to PHMWC by the backflow professional for our tracking and State reporting requirements.
Annual Shareholder’s Meeting and Election of Board of Directors:
The annual PHMWC business meeting along with the Pine Hills Community Association (PHCA) annual meeting is held in June at YMCA Camp Marston's Dining Hall, with lunch provided and funded by both PHMWC and PHCA (donations are accepted to supplement costs). An annual PHMWC Shareholder Package is mailed to all shareholders announcing the date of the meeting. It is very important that the customer returns their voting ballot/proxy as we must have a quorum for the election of board members for PHMWC and to conduct the Company’s business.
Pine Hills Community Association:
The Pine Hills Community Association membership yearly dues are $30 and is open to any homeowner in the Julian area. However, only Pine Hills Subdivision residents may vote on association business matters. The website for the Community Association is . The Association’s Board of Directors meets 4 times a year. PHCA provides reduced cost chipping services for those who sign up for the chipping service, two dumpsters in May of each year for clean-up day, an ombudsman, and reduced cost purchases of daffodil bulbs. All information is included in the Annual Shareholder Packet mailing. If you are interested in filling a vacant PHCA director position, please contact any existing board member and express your interest.